The story begins in Mendoza, Argentina, in a rock-strewn vineyard encircled by majestic weeping willow trees and with a perfect view of the Andes Mountain, where we often do our famously long asados. During one such asado with friends from California, after plenty of great wine and grilled meat, we had the idea to make a "Northern Hemisphere meets Southern Hemisphere" wine, and Recuerdo Wines was born.
Recuerdo means "memory" or "memento" in Spanish, and the Recuerdo winemaking team of Santiago Achával and Pablo Martorell passionately believes that each bottle should not only represent Argentina's unique native terroir within the high-altitude Uco Valley, but also serve as a memory of every harvest. We hope you will join us in experiencing this terroir and these memories, enjoying our Uco Valley Malbecs and Malbec-based blends.